December 12, 2012


Assalamualaikum :D

Assalamualaikum semua :D Beta amat merindui belog kesayangan beta ini :3 Haha. Sebenarnya aku rasa malas tahap dewa nak menghudpate belog ni. -,- Demi menyemakkan lagi dashboard-dashboard anda-anda semua,beta sanggup. LOL! *mengarut lagi* Okay. Aku ada cerita sebenarnya nak share dengan korang semua. Pasal apa? Pasal Orang Kurang Upaya. Kenapa tiba-tiba aku dapat hidayah nak cakap pasal benda ni? Everything starts last Sunday. I went to Times Square. Masa tengah makan, there was a group of people,sat next to our table. That time,I didn't noticed anything 'weird' about them. Two waiters came to their table. Haaa! At that time I noticed something about them. Which is,they use hand signals to communicate. Then,I only realised that they can't talk. I was surprised,literally. Aku 'stalk' diaorang senyap-senyap. Ye la,to confirm apa yang aku tengok tadi betul. And yeah,memang betul pun. Dalam group tu,ada a pair of husband and wife. Okay,sweet gila. Anak diaorang pun comel. Dalam group tu jugak ada Indian and Malay. Sweet gila okay cara diaorang communicate with each other. I was impressed. They looked happy. Very happy. Aku nampak ada seorang lelaki ni *tak sure nak panggil abang or pak cik* dia punyalah bersemangat bercakap (using the hand signals for sure) dan kawan-kawan dia ketawa. Whoa! What a happy community. Serious aku cakap,I'm impressed. Walaupun cara diaorang bercakap pun dah draw people's attention,diorang macam tak kisah langsung. What they do,were just enjoying themselves.

Then aku cakap dekat ayah aku betapa comelnya tengok diorang communicate. Ayah aku senyum then cakap 

Ayah : Muka diorang happy je kan?
Aku : A'ha. Comel je tengok diorang communicate. 
Ayah : Bukan senang nak survive macam diorang. I bet,they had been through a lot. 
Aku :  Maksud...? *agak blur di sini*
Ayah : Bila dilahirkan istimewa macam tu, mesti ada banyak cabaran untuk diorang,ye lah, to grow up. 

So,the moral of the story is, always accept what Allah had given to us. Be grateful,fella!

footnote : Aku dah start lapar -,-

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